Introduction to Agility: Foundation for Agility for Competition or Fun

This 7-week class will prepare dogs and handlers who are considering pursuing agility and want to participate in a future Agility 1 class.

Dogs must be 6 months or older and have successfully completed a minimum of a Puppy Obedience class or a Basic Obedience class. Dogs must be housebroken and show no signs of aggression. A 5 or 6-foot leash and a flat buckle collar without attachments. Please bring treats that do not crumble, a treat bag or dispenser, and a favorite toy or tug.

Skills to be covered will include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Attention and focusing skills
  2. ​Interacting with objects and body awareness
  3. ​Motivation and drive
  4. Impulse control
  5. Crate training and waiting in place
  6. Reliable recalls
  7. Working with and independently of handler
  8. Working around distraction
  9. Importance of health and fitness
  10. Navigating competitive dog agility
