Agility Level 2

What to expect from agility level 2 at The Dog Training Club of Tampa? This class will act as a transition from just learning to interact with agility obstacles (such as the dog walk, teeter, jumps, wings, weave poles, A-frame, tunnel, and more), to short sequences of 1-3 obstacles, and on to longer sequences with 3-7 obstacles. During these longer sequences you will be introduced to basic handling skills (such as front, rear, and blind crosses, post turns, wraps and more) that will set you up for success as the courses become more difficult.

What’s after level 2?

After you complete agility level 2 (it is a repeatable class if you or your dog need more practice) and are approved to move up to level 3 by your instructor, you should begin to look at agility level 3 as well as basic agility handling.


Agility Level 2 builds upon the basic skills you and your dog learned in agility level 1. You will be introduced to handling, full sized contacts, and agility terminology that you will encounter in this dog sport, trials and at agility events.