Dogs should have participated in and completed a Puppy or Basic Obedience Class.  Dogs may also have participated in a Foundations class or agility for competitive dog sports class. They can be any age, however a minimum of 6 months of age is recommended and the instructor should be alerted if the dog is younger than 12 months for safety reasons.  The dog should be familiar with jumps, tunnels and the pause table and an Introduction to Agility class or equivalent is highly recommended. Depending upon the dog’s mastery of obstacles, ways to distance handling weaves, dog walks, a-frames & teeters will also be discussed.

This 7-week Distance Handling class offers ways to learn have your dog work away from you and take obstacles at a distance. Basic tips will be learned that can be incorporated and practiced in everyday life that reinforce distance and movement away from the handler. It is advantageous for a dog to learn to run with some distance away from the handler early in their agility career. It is also very helpful for the handler to get into position for the next obstacle if the dog can be sent to complete an obstacle.

Dogs will work independently, off leash and one at a time.

Class taught by Victoria MacVicar