Time to start training! Register for a basic obedience class now.

And there’s no better place to begin than at the ‘Premier place to train in Tampa’!

Once you graduate from puppy class and you want to continue with obedience work or you have an older dog that has never been to an obedience class, we offer a basic obedience class. 

Basic Obedience is the foundation of your dog’s training education. Train early, train often, and train well. Register for basic obedience today to get started.

Be sure to bring lots of tasty, soft, chewy, smelly treats as class will be very distracting for your dogs the first few weeks. Steak, chicken, low-fat string cheese, peanut butter, low-sodium/low-fat deli meats and things alike are all good options for high-value treats. (Try to keep away from things that crumble!)

Additionally a 6 to 8 foot leash is necessary with a flat buckle, martingale, prong OR pinch collar. If you regularly use a harness to walk your dog, please bring a collar of some sort to begin training at the club with. Harnesses do not provide a good means of controlling your dog in a confined environment such as a training ring.

Next class to consider? Try Advanced Basic Obedience or Agility Level 1!