Rally Signs – Introduction

This class will focus on teaching AKC rally signs. Students will learn how to properly read the signs and break them down into skills for their dog this class focuses on teaching novice signs though will go into how these signs evolve throughout the higher levels.

**If class is not full, drop-ins may be available with instructor approval**

Intro to Rally

Intro to Rally is a multi-week course that explores the many rally exercises that provide a great foundation for future obedience training.  This class will introduce some of the basic exercises utilized in rally. 

**If class is not full, drop-ins may be available with instructor approval**

Upper Level Rally

This class is designed to work the upper-level skills needed for AKC Rally competition. A full course will be set up to practice signs. Instructions on specific signs will be available. 

**If class is not full, drop-ins may be available with instructor approval**

Requirements: This is an off-leash class in which dogs must have their Rally Novice or Intermediate title to attend.