Does your dog have “the look”?

Animal Actors classes prepare your dog to work on a set for still (photo) or motion (video) shoots.

Acting Level 1: Photo Shoot (Black Card)
The Level 1 Photo Shoot certification credentials your animal to work on set posing for photo shoots, magazines, product packaging, billboards, web ads, art pieces, and more. Your animal’s Black Card represents the proven foundation training, socialization, and confidence to be on set.
At a print shoot, the trainer may speak to the animal and may employ toys and squeakers, but must remain out of frame.
Acting Level 2: Set-Prepped (White Card)
The Level 2 Set-Prepped Actor card certifies the animal to work on a motion set environment with other actors. For this level we assume sound is not being captured which allows the trainer to verbally coach the animal. The Set-Prepped White Card certifies the animal to perform motion on the set, to interact with other actors, and withstand a full day on location.
Stunt Dog:
- Dogs cannot be dog or human aggressive. No fearful dogs,
- Dogs who have earned Novice or Intermediate Trick Titles as required by Do More with your Dog
Stunt Dog is a sport based on live trick dog performances. Stunt dog showing is fun. You will have an audience and be able to show off your dog and skills. It is through the basics of tricks only entertaining for others to view. Stunt dog trials will be held soon.